Colorado’s #1 Rated Window and Door Company
December 9, 2022
Tamara Jones
It’s December in Colorado, which means winter is officially here. The time to slow down, reset, find those snow boots (if they aren’t still in your entryway from last season), dust off those puffies, and get ready for what winter really means -play! In Colorado, we are lucky to call the Rockies our backyard. For many, winter can be isolating; for us, it gathers the many, from Skiing and Snowboarding to Snowshoeing, ice-fishing, and climbing to competitive snowmobiling; we have it all. Oh, and let us not forget everyone’s favorite pastime -sledding! I’m talking about Olympic-style sledding for the bravest of brave little Radians.
Yes, we are fortunate and thankful so. While winter brings play, it also welcomes occasions for learning and often learning the hard way. If you ever ventured west on i-70 during a snowy day, you learn after a few hours of sitting on the highway that not having snow tires or chains can ruin a few thousand people's plans -including yours. You may also learn that your car's brakes sometimes do not hold a candle to an icy road -insert “Look Out!” Thankfully, we are a quick learning bunch. Slip on our driveway once and we will cover that drive with snow melt and never slip again. We prep for winter, and we prep well.
However, one winter home prep item that gets overlooked is possibly the most important -I’m talking windows and doors. Below is a list of why replacing your windows and doors is so important for our extreme weather waves and the benefits of ordering your new windows now!
The first two points are mutually exclusive but deserve their own mention. We named our company Five Seasons Windows and Doors because we have that fifth season in Colorado, and I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. If you haven’t experienced Rain on a sunny day or grapple west of the tunnel, get outside because that is just a taste of the Colorado fifth season. Winter and summer cause the most havoc on your home, however. In the summer, the heat affects your windows by creating thermal expansion from the extreme temperature shift. Although this can be normal, if you don’t have the right windows in place, the expansion every season can cause several structural issues, including changes in the frame, glass, seals, shapes, and size.
Like summer, winter causes the opposite to happen -it shrinks the size of the window. Due to the cold, those window frames that expanded in the summer’s heat will now shrink back down to size or shrink even smaller than the original starting size. Because older windows are not guaranteed to shrink back to the original size, this can lead to gaps between the framing and the sill leading even further to damaging structural issues.
Modern windows are now being made to prevent these issues for homeowners making windows more durable and long-lasting in climates with cold and hot seasons. New
Vinyl windows are our top choice for protecting your home.
Did you know that your old, leaky windows could be responsible for 25-30% of your home’s heating and cooling bill on an individual scale? Month after month, year after year -that adds up!
If you replace your windows with a high-quality window and have a
well-qualified, experienced installer install the windows, you can expect a minimum of 25% and a maximum of 52% savings on your energy bill! Not only are you not losing money, but you might also save money! As previously mentioned, when you have the right windows that defend your home from the outside elements, you defend your pocketbook.
If 2020-2022 taught us anything, it was that of Supply & Demand. From the toilet paper fiasco to coastal shipping containers to gas prices, supply can be troublesome if the demand is high. This is especially true in the home improvement realm. In our specific case, when windows and doors are ordered, there is a substantial waiting period that follows, which is why getting on the books the first of the year is critical -well, if patience isn’t your virtue, that is. And for some of us, your author included, it can sometimes be a struggle.
So just like anything in life, “the early bird gets the warm” -book your window and door replacements now -especially if you are in the Denver metro area. Side note: this also applies to all home improvements, e.g. roofing, painting, landscape, etc. Start early and schedule for 2023 now.
Lastly, and for some of you, most importantly, if you schedule your window and door replacements now, you are looking at an installation date in the Spring. Why is this important? Allow me to create a scenario that happens quite often:
It’s 1000° outside [exaggeration for effect], and your AC is working overtime because your non-energy efficient windows aren’t keeping in the heat. Thankfully, your Denver Window Installers have arrived to save the day. As the saying goes, “beauty is pain,” and so is the price for comfort. Regardless of the highly skilled and knowledgeable installers, they are going to remove your windows, at which time a large hole will expose your home to the elements. Now your home is 1000°. [End of Scenario]
Sure, it’s only for a day or two, but how much sweeter would it have been if it were Spring? The same scenario applies if you wait too long to order -installation during winter. Brrr.
So, if you are vacillating on when to order -we suggest now. This doesn’t mean that aren’t benefits for waiting as well; we just find that most benefits follow a winter order date. That being said, our industry has loads of helpful professionals available to serve your home repair needs -whether by placing orders or offering advice and answering questions. As homeowners ourselves -we get it.
Five Season was founded in 2016 with a desire to change the industry by not only offering the best windows and door replacement installations in Colorado but to improve the daily lives of our customers through the combination of our commitment and care.
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